Bets on for big shake-up of government technology in Budget.
Tag: sap
February 26, 2015
by Julian Bajkowski
Thanks a billion: Centrelink’s megasystem overhaul looks primed for Budget
McClure report recommendations set to trigger real-time tech upgrades for Human Services, Tax.
February 17, 2015
by Julian Bajkowski
Has Medicare outsourcing stalled?
Conspicuous silence after EOI
February 12, 2015
by Julian Bajkowski
NSW government plugs into cloud ERP
Software mega fauna as a service
November 24, 2014
by Julian Bajkowski
Vendors float up to Turnbull’s G-Cloud
Di Data and Telstra spur-on highly secure local hosting.
October 31, 2014
by Julian Bajkowski
Reserve Bank standby for Human Services strike
Tech battle looms.
August 26, 2014
by Julian Bajkowski
Industry fears Abbott government lagging on APS tech reforms
AIIA submission questions progress of policies and promises.
August 7, 2014
by Julian Bajkowski
Cost of government ERP systems under fire in NSW
Standards opened to boost competition
May 9, 2014
by Julian Bajkowski
Tax set to fire 3,000 staff as Abbott’s ‘natural attrition’ promise for APS falls
Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey has given the green light to mass redundancies in government agencies to prosecute public service spending cuts in the forthcoming Budget.
December 2, 2013
by Staff Writers
Total APS job cuts too difficult to predict for Public Service Commission
By Julian Bajkowski The Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) has released its annual stocktake of the federal bureaucracy with the grim warning that it is now “difficult to predict” how…