As the NSW Government moves to address a data skills shortfall in the state’s public service, local government professionals say they also need investment in professional development.
Tag: nsw
Asset management: are we on the right road?
Our data suggests a quarter of NSW councils are yet to develop asset management systems that would help them respond to the roads infrastructure backlog, says Annalisa Haskell.
Facing up to local government’s gender woes
Shifting the perception of councils away from “roads, rates and rubbish” will also help reflect the contribution of women in the local government workforce.
NSW adds cocaine to driver drug testing
New South Wales is the first Australian state to test drivers for cocaine use. All Australian states now have random driver drug testing, similar to random breath testing for alcohol….
NSW councils underperforming on gender balance (and how to fix it)
NSW local government is performing well. In most areas. But it is lacking in its participation rate of females, particularly in management. This had potentially dangerous consequences for the future…
Federal takeover a ‘disaster’ for Norfolk Island
Norfolk Island is ‘on the brink of disaster’, says an independent report on the island’s economic situation. The report was commissioned by the island’s small community following the Australian Government’s…
NSW asset sales expensive
The NSW Audit Office, in its annual ‘Report on State Finances’, has generally given the state a clean bill of health. But much of NSW’s sound financial position is because…
What will go into the blig black hole in Ultimo?
The NSW Government will move the Powerhouse Museum to Parramatta.
Give us our land back
Hornsby Council resolves to seek the return of its lost territory.
Did the NSW Government have to pay for the coal licence?
The NSW Government spent $262m, but did it need to pay even a cent?