Hardball tactics and a paucity of detailed information is taking its psychological toll on public servants and the clients they are required to serve.
Tag: nadine-flood
APS loses 5000 jobs in just six months
CPSU warns Commission of Audit, government of consequences of mass exodus.
Public Service wages and conditions in Coalition crosshairs
Eric Abetz and Tony Abbott have dispensed with the niceties in the renegotiation of the APS’s main industrial instrument warning bureaucrats to either agree to a pay freeze or cop a haircut on leave entitlements.
Numbers and costs for APS cuts evade MYEFO
By Julian Bajkowski The Abbott government has conspicuously excluded its election promise to cut public service staffing costs by $5.2 billion through the elimination of 12,000 positions from its Mid-Year…
Outsourcing push could double promised 12,000 APS job cull
By Julian Bajkowski The Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) has ratcheted up pressure on the Abbott government to resist a push to hive off thousands of federal public service…
Feds hit by massive hiring freeze
By Julian Bajkowski Federal departments and agencies have been hit by an official hiring freeze as the Abbott government attempts to cull 12,000 public service jobs without resorting to redundancies…
Proposed Centrelink and Australia Post retail fusion draws fire
By Julian Bajkowski A proposal to use Australia Post’s retail footprint to deliver shopfront services for welfare agency Centrelink has drawn immediate fire from the union representing federal public servants….
CPSU warns Commission of Audit against further job cuts
By Julian Bajkowski The union representing federal public servants has cautioned the Abbott government against instigating a Queensland-style “slash and burn” program of cuts through its National Commission of Audit…
Abbott says federal job cuts of 12,000 will be it
By Julian Bajkowski Opposition leader Tony Abbott has sought hose down rising fears that between 20,000 and 30,000 federal public service jobs will ultimately be axed in a repeat of…
New warning that more than 12,000 public service jobs will go
By Julian Bajkowski The union representing Commonwealth public servants has hit out at the release of selected costings by the Liberal Party for the election, warning that Coalition estimates of…