CPSU hits out at “innaccuracies”.
Tag: industrial-relations
March 31, 2016
by Julian Bajkowski
National Library staff throw book at Enterprise Agreement offer
Trove of disillusion.
March 24, 2016
by Julian Bajkowski
Can agencies finalise pay deals in Caretaker period? Er, we’ll get back to you, says APSC
Election countdown continues.
March 22, 2016
by Julian Bajkowski
APS industrial battle sidelined by Turnbull’s early election punt
PM blanks bargaining question.
March 18, 2016
by Marie Sansom
Monday’s strike will hit benefit claimants, says Human Services GM
Union accuses Human Services bosses of hypocrisy.
March 15, 2016
by Marie Sansom
Agriculture votes down third government offer
Flogging a dead horse, says union.
March 10, 2016
by Guest Contributor
Does enterprise bargaining (still) work for women in the public sector?
Workplace conditions that help women are too easily sacrificed in enterprise bargaining.
March 7, 2016
by Marie Sansom
It won’t fly: Immigration and Border staff reject pay offer
Easter airport strikes imminent.
February 12, 2016
by Marie Sansom
Human Services staff reject government’s pay offer again
Deadlock continues six months on.
November 30, 2015
by Julian Bajkowski
Striking public servants will harness “civic crowdfunding” says CPSU
Top-up for lost wages during stand downs.