Former deputy ACCC commissioner Delia Rickard will lead a government review of Australia’s online safety laws.
Tag: AI
SA working with states on AI assurance framework
South Australia is working with the other states on a common AI assurance framework built on the NSW model.
Productivity Commission releases AI playbook for govt
The Productivity Commission has released a government playbook for developing regulatory protections around AI.
Former ACCC deputy to review Online Safety laws
Former ACCC deputy chair Delia Rickard will lead a review of the Online Safety Act.
AI drives public sector migration to cloud
Moving to the cloud is a priority for the majority of public sector agencies as they seek to leverage cloud-enabled AI.
Queensland state schools to trial AI
A teaching tool that uses artificial intelligence will be trialed in 10 Queensland state schools.
Brief tells APS to prepare for ‘ubiquitous’ AI
Artificial Intelligence will become integrated into many, if not all government services, a soon-to-be released brief to the APS will say.
Digital regulators stress ongoing role in relation to AI
Australia’s digital regulators have made a joint submission about the challenges of AI and how it will affect their regulatory roles.
Tackling ethical issues around smart garbos
A new report looks at ethical issues around the use of AI by council garbage trucks at a Melbourne Council.
Council outsources recycling contamination to AI
A Sydney Council is using AI to reduce contamination in kerbside recycling bins.