Master key systems serve a particular purpose but fall short when it comes to audit trails and reporting when compared to traditional hardwired access control systems. However, the cost of cabling each site especially at critical infrastructure (geographically spread out assets or back of house areas) is prohibitive.
EKA CyberLock bridges the gap between a hard wired access control system and a mechanical master key system which is commonly known as an electro-mechanical master key systems.
EKA CyberLock combines all the benefits of a hardwired access control system without the limitations of a mechanical master key system. It allows for audit trails, access permissions and unlike mechanical master key systems, there are no limitations on design hierarchies.
Sounds complicated, but essentially by using specialised technology CyberLock enables organisations to grant access to employees and contractors to assets and buildings anywhere, any time through programable keys called CyberKeys. No hardwiring, batteries, or even Wi-Fi necessary.
Electronic smart keys
CyberKeys are electronic smart keys and programable via a Communicator or an app. They cannot be duplicated which eliminates many of the threats posed by a normal key, and if lost or stolen they can simply be deleted from the system, so they are no longer a risk.
CyberKeys are made specifically to open Cyberlock’s range of electronic lock cylinders. To suit all commonly available commercial locks, CyberLock cylinders can easily retrofit into most lock hardware including padlocks as they are the exact dimensions of most standard mechanical cylinders.
Using innovative software called CyberAudit Web, you can easily manage your entire CyberLock system. This includes being able to program, manage and track each CyberKey and CyberLock. For further management and ease, it also enables you to conduct audit trails and issue reports and can even integrate with other security and business systems to ensure compliance and safety.
Remote updating of access profiles
CyberLock’s Bluetooth enabled smart keys allow remote updating of access profiles in the field (via a mobile phone app), which can substantially reduce administrative overhead. Designated keyholders receive new access permissions without time-wasting return trips to the office or depots. During the update, each key can transmit an audit trail to a centralised CyberAudit Web database, where it can be used to trigger any number of management functions, processes, audits, and reports.
There are plenty of success stories as CyberLock has been sold in Australia for over 23 years. Some customers are quite sensitive to case studies, however there are many who provide references to the system and many of these are in government, enterprise, utilities and more.
For more information contact EKA CyberLock at or call 1300 722 311. To download EKA CyberLock white papers see here.
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