By Staff Writer
The South Australian Greens have launched a new website to track political donations.
The website and database is an extension of the long-running NSW Greens Democracy For Sale website.
The Greens have collated official data released by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) to make it easier to search, sort and total up contributions by the same donor.
Greens MP Mark Parnell said the website will help “shine a light on the murky world of political donations in SA”.
“It shouldn’t have to take someone hours of painstaking research to get basic information on political donations,” Parnell said.
“For too long, any South Australian who has wanted to find out who is donating to which political parties has come up against a system that is difficult to navigate and hides shady practices.”
In an attempt to provide greater transparency and accountability within the state, the SA Greens will introduce major amendments to the Electoral Act when parliament resumes in September.
They will seek to cap individual contributions and impose a ban on all corporate donations.
“SA has the worst political donations laws in the country,” Parnell said.
“We urgently need more checks and balances in the system, because right now when it comes to dodgy fundraising practices by political paries in SA it’s anything goes.”
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