Queensland appoints first female Auditor General

Queensland is getting its first female Auditor General in 164 years with the appointment of  Rachel Vagg.

Ms Vagg has extensive government experience and is currently a partner at global consulting and advisory firm KPMG where she has been leading a team on the governance, risk and compliance advisory practice with a focus on public sector and local government.

She previously held a range of positions during a 21-year tenure at the Queensland Audit Office, including Assistant Auditor-General from January 2019 to May 2022.

Ms Vagg will start her seven-year term on 12 August, taking over from Brendan Worrall.

Deputy Auditor-General Karen Johnson will act as Auditor-General in the interim.

Announcing the appointment on Tuesday, Premier Steven Miles said Ms Vagg brought with her strong leadership and a wealth of experience in auditing, good governance, accountability, and risk.

“She has an exemplary record in her previous roles at the Queensland Audit Office and has immense knowledge and experience of the public sector bodies and governments which she will be responsible for auditing,” he said.

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