Public backs HECS for R&D: survey

A majority of Australians support the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS), and believe a similar mechanism should exist for business research and sport, according to a survey.

The Nielsen survey of 1505 respondents, architected by the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, was conducted to explore community reactions to the application of income-contingent loans to various policy areas.

The survey found 64 per cent support for the HECS system, with similar support among those who have actually incurred a HECS debt.

There also was wide support for HECS-inspired loans for research and development.

Universities Australia CEO Glenn Withers, co-author of the survey said Government should consider these findings in relation to the Bradley and Cutler reviews.

“We asked whether financial assistance provided to business for research and development should be repaid when financial circumstances for the business were favourable. Sixty-one per cent of respondents agreed, or strongly agreed, with this suggestion,” Professor Withers said.

“The Cutler review recommended that the Government should consider income-contingent loans for ‘sole traders seeking to fund innovative projects’. Our research shows that there is significant community support for that, too.”

Repayable government assistance to elite athletes also received strong support of 72 per cent, while most were against government assistance for child care.

Respondents showed a split attitude towards drought assistance for farmers.

Professor Withers and lecturer at the Australian National University, Tim Higgins have complied the survey, with further analysis to be published in the near future.

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