By Staff Writer
The City of Fremantle is set to become Western Australia’s first local government authority to go carbon-neutral, with council unanimously deciding to invest its parking revenue in ‘green’ energy.
From July, the city’s electricity supply will be switched to Synergy Green Energy, which generates zero carbon emissions.
A recent report to council found that 80 per cent of Fremantle’s carbon footprint was attributed to electricity use.
City of Fremantle mayor Peter Tagliaferri said the switch to clean energy would reduce the city’s carbon dioxide emissions by 6800 tonnes each year.
“What better use could there be for parking revenue than to use it to offset council’s carbon emissions,” Cr Tagliaferri said.
“We hope that now other councils will use this initiative as a model to also become carbon neutral.
“In this way we will further increase demand for green power – the greater the demand the more will be produced and the cheaper and more accessible it becomes for everybody.”
Council anticipates that the remaining 20 per cent of the City’s carbon emissions, generated by gas heating for the community swimming pool and the City’s fleet, will be offset through accredited tree planting schemes and the installation of energy saving equipment.
City of Fremantle chief executive officer, Graeme Mackenzie, said council was also investigating the benefits of thermal power for heating the leisure centre pool.
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