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Victorian councils sidelined from housing plans, says peak

The state government is rushing ahead with its planning reforms without adequately consulting with councils, says the Municipal Association of Victoria.

Information management is everyone’s business

By Lisa Simmons Last year saw a spate of document security breaches and inadvertent leaks of sensitive information in Australia and globally that have left government departments reeling with thoughts of what the consequences could be if a similar thing happened to them. In August 2005, Victorian Premier Steve Bracks said he was “sick and […]

How to woo an engineer

By Kim Powell Unless councils become more creative with the salary packages they offer, they will continue to have trouble attracting and retaining engineering staff, says Dominic Angerame, surveys and website manager for the Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (APESMA). He says there are shortages across the board when it comes to […]

Australia’s health spending prognosis

By Jane Garcia in Sydney More than 80 delegates attending the 8th Annual Health Conference held in Sydney in March heard about diverse aspects of health care from funding frameworks and the role of the private health care industry, to workforce challenges and information technology. Health care had essentially become a luxury good, with economic […]

Concealed costs of casual workforce

By Jane Garcia Australia has experienced an increase in the number of workers employed on a casual or temporary basis, but employers should beware of the growing international research linking increased risk of illness and injury to these forms of employment, according to research sponsored by Sydney law firm Bartier Perry. The Hidden Health and […]

The secret to a ‘smart funding cocktail’

By Kim Powell in Hobart Unless regional infrastructure is up to scratch, investors will not look beyond major cities when funding projects, and several federal inquiries have confirmed this is already happening, said an expert in investment attraction at the LGAT conference in Hobart. “The worldwide evidence is that the quality of regional infrastructure is […]

Pursue financial autonomy and political renewal

By Kim Powell in Hobart Local government should put constitutional recognition and the call for more federal money on the backburner and instead focus on community engagement and long term strategic planning, said Graham Sansom in a keynote address at the 94th Conference for Local Government in Hobart in June. Professor Sansom is the director […]



Building a sustainable future with Strategic Asset Management

While efforts continue to grow renewable energy capacity to achieve Australia’s climate ambitions, it’s only half the battle. The other half is how we plan and manage community infrastructure and improve its resilience while protecting the natural environment.


That’s using plastic for good

Not all plastics are the same. Take engineered plastic pipes. Unlike single use plastics, plastic pipes are long-life products, not single use, made from materials engineered to be robust, reliable, recyclable with a service life in excess of 100 years.


Innovation delivers justice

Young people in the justice system are better connected with support thanks to an innovative partnership between the not-for-profit, public, and private sectors.

Strengthen Your Systems, Avoid Downtime

The recent widespread global outage caused by a faulty CrowdStrike update highlighted the catastrophic risks of service disruptions, underscoring the need for robust resiliency and disaster recovery strategies in public-sector organisations.



App-Based Parking Accelerates Council Savings

Councils are under pressure to make cost savings and improve environmental sustainability. Technology innovations in the parking industry are providing solutions on both fronts.