Dating apps on notice

Online dating sites have six months to comply with a new code of conduct.

The Australia-first rulebook created to protect users from harm and abuse will require sites such as Tinder, Grindr and others to comply with the new regulations or face strict enforcement from 1 April next year.

Among the requirements, dating apps must have:

  • systems in place to detect potential incidents of online-enabled harm
  • actions against users who have violated a company’s online safety policies, including terminating accounts
  • prominent and transparent complaint and reporting mechanisms
  • transparency reports detailing terminated accounts
  • support resources on safe dating practices
  • proactive engagement with Australian law enforcement.

A new rating system will also be introduced so that users can monitor whether online dating companies are complying to the code.

Michelle Rowland

“Online dating is now the most common way to meet a partner in Australia, however, the level of violence and abuse experienced by users of these platforms is deeply concerning. That’s why we are taking the steps needed to ensure a safer experience for Australians using online dating platforms,” minister for communications Michelle Rowland said. “Now that the code is operational, the government will be watching industry closely to ensure they take the steps needed to keep their users safe.”

Enforcement of the code will be the responsibility of an independent Code Compliance Committee consisting of three members of the public – one person with experience relating to online safety, sexual or gender-based violence or public policy, one person admitted to practice as a solicitor, and one with experience in social networking technology platforms.

Enforcement could include issuing formal warnings, ordering a participant to develop a plan to meet its obligations under the code, suspension or formal removal from the code, which would prohibit the use of any accreditation or reference to compliance with the code.

Amanda Rishworth

The effectiveness of the code will be reviewed in nine months by the eSafety Commissioner. If it is considered non-effective, the government will consider more robust regulation.

“Dating app violence is a form of gender-based violence, and it has to end,” minister for social services Amanda Rishworth said. “This world-leading industry code will improve safety for Australians using dating apps and help them make choices about the apps they use.”

She added: “Everyone deserves to live a life free of violence no matter where they are – and this includes online.”

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