A group of councils in metropolitan Melbourne has collaborated to develop a framework that tracks their progress on climate change, writes Dr Susie Moloney.
Category: Opinion
Facing up to local government’s gender woes
Shifting the perception of councils away from “roads, rates and rubbish” will also help reflect the contribution of women in the local government workforce.
Australia can learn from France’s unique approach to regenerating inner cities
Three initiatives from France show that a single development agency financed with public money can provide clear leadership, which is essential to completing major projects, write Sebastien Darchen and Gwendal Simon.
Governments aren’t businesses – but should act more like them, says Gartner
Government agencies will always have different priorities than commercial businesses, but they can learn a lot from them. So says Rick Howard, government research agenda manager with leading IT analyst…
Scaling digital government – up, across and out
Government agencies are looking to become leaner and more efficient. But sometimes bigger can be better. Scaling government services delivery makes sense if government collaborates and digital is used effectively….
How councils can get a handle on their service delivery
The NSW Auditor-General’s recent report on service delivery reporting by the state’s Local Governmnet Authorities showed that most of them should be investing in more accurate and comprehensive analysis of…
Opinion – Murray Darling debacle shows the failure of federalism
The current standoff over water allocations in the Murray Darlin Basin is as good an example as you could ever find of how Australia’s federal system is broken. The Murray…
Opinion – Australia’s jails a national disgrace
Australia’s states and territories are building more and more prisons, trying to outdo each other on law and order. Crime rates across Australia are falling , but incarceration rates have…
State action needed for real reporting reform
Last week the NSW Audit Office released its first performance audit into NSW Local Government covering council reporting on service delivery. The report said most councils need to do a…
Opinion – Pointless Australia Day point scoring obscures real issues
Australia Day rolls around again this week. Its observance has once again become an issue, with many councils, individuals and The Greens calling for its date to be changed, or…