A wellbeing approach to policy considers the likely impacts decisions will have on future generations.
$1bn upgrade for Western Sydney transport corridor
Liverpool City Council Lord Mayor Ned Mannoun calls the major investment “a significant roads win”.
Gender equality in federal cabinet
The milestone was reached when three women were sworn in as ministers to take on roles at the NDIS.
Inadequate systems to process FOI requests, says OAIC
“The majority of agencies require improvement to their systems and policies,” says FOI commissioner.
NAA advisory council appointments announced
Council members determine who is granted special access to records.
PM commits $3bn to upgrade nation’s broadband
More than 620,000 homes will benefit –
over half in regional and rural areas of the country.
Gov appoints new chief of cyber security unit
The ACSC is the country’s leading authority on e-safety.
Former chief scientist joins CSIRO board
Dr Cathy Foley commenced her three-year term on 3 January.
Cybersecurity predictions for 2025
The surge in cyber threats continue to make government agencies more vulnerable than ever. Sabeen Malik offers four insights to consider.
Bruce funding renews calls for end to 50:50 cost-shift
The federal government has committed to funding 80% of the upgrade bill.