Blessed be the roads

Blessed be the roads

Blessing of the Roads ceremonies will be held in communities Western Australia in the lead up to Easter as Local Governments aim to raise community awareness about road safety over the long weekend.

An initiative of the WA Local Government Association’s (WALGA) RoadWise Program, Blessing the Roads brings together local government, local religious leaders, emergency service personnel, schools, members of the community and other road safety partners to raise community awareness and support police enforcement activities in the lead up to Easter.

WALGA President Cr Bill Mitchell said Blessing of the Roads ceremonies were just one of the ways in which Local Governments were implementing the Safe System approach to road safety.

“Safe Road Use represents one component of the Safe System approach to road safety and initiatives such as Blessing of the Roads provide a good opportunity for Local Governments to promote the importance of driver behaviour in their communities,” Cr Mitchell said.

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