Home Sector Federal ALGA garners support of farmers federation in push for National Cabinet seat

ALGA garners support of farmers federation in push for National Cabinet seat

ALGA garners support of farmers federation in push for National Cabinet seat

The National Farmers Federation is backing local government in its call to be included in National Cabinet.

Fiona Simpson

The Australian Local Government Association was previously a member of the Council of Australian Governments but much to its chagrin was sidelined when COAG was replaced by National Cabinet in 2020.

ALGA and the NFF have now joined forces to call on the next federal government to give local government a seat at the table.

National Farmers’ Federation President Fiona Simson says the NFF recently announced 20 regional development precincts across Australia for priority economic development.

Local government was key to driving this and ensuring that people rural areas could enjoy the same social and economic benefits as urban Australians, she said.

“The only way to do this is giving local government a seat at National Cabinet,” Ms Simpson said in a statement.  

Local perspectives ‘must be heard’

ALGA President Linda Scott said including local government on National Cabinet and key ministerial meetings and forums such as the Council on Federal Financial Relations would give it a voice on key issues like safer roads and waste reduction. 

“Australians rightfully expect all three tiers of government to work closely together,” Cr Scott said. 

“Councils are delivering on national priorities at a local level, but we could better work with and support state and federal governments with a seat at the National Cabinet table.” 

She acknowledged that Labor had committed to including local government on National Cabinet if elected, but said ALGA was calling on all parties and candidates to support the request. 

“Local governments are also seeking ongoing voting membership of all relevant Ministerial meetings and forums – including the Council on Federal Financial Relations.

“Decisions that are made at these meetings reach into every community so it’s important local perspectives are heard and considered.”  

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