Home Sector Federal Public calls for strengthening ABC and SBS

Public calls for strengthening ABC and SBS

Public calls for strengthening ABC and SBS

By Staff Writer

Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, has released more than 2,400 public submissions that were received in response to the discussion paper on the future of the ABC and SBS.

While a relatively small number of responses were received, the Minister said they confirmed Australians’ fondness for the national broadcasters.

“The enthusiastic response we have received, with more than 2,400 submissions, confirms that the ABC and SBS are two of Australia’s most important and loved public institutions,” he said.

“They have entertained, educated and informed generations of Australians.”

The Rudd Government engaged public opinion with the release of a discussion paper, ABC and SBS: Towards a digital future, late last year.

"The Government will certainly be taking note of these submissions as we consider the next funding round for the ABC and SBS and consider policies for the long-term future of public broadcasting in this country," Minister Conroy said.

For a copy of the discussion paper and to view the public submissions click here.

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