Home Sector State Tasmanian public sector wage dispute ends

Tasmanian public sector wage dispute ends

Tasmanian public sector wage dispute ends

Tasmania’s long running public sector wage dispute has been resolved after 90 per cent of the state’s public servants voted to accept the State Government’s wage offer in a union ballot.

Premier Bartlett said he was pleased that members of the Commonwealth and Public Sector Union (CPSU) accepted the Government’s wage offer.

“This Agreement forms the foundation for state service reform. It is the most comprehensive package of industrial changes to modernise the state service.”

Mr Bartlett said the agreement will see is the removal of anomalies, restructuring of awards and more flexible conditions for Tasmanian public servants.

“The opportunity exists for agencies and employees to agree on flexible provisions such as hours to suit business needs and family friendly arrangements.

“In particular, the package provides more attractive conditions for graduates and young Tasmanians and women returning to the workforce through traineeships and cadetships,” he said.

The Premier also said the final package falls within the parameters of the offer made by the Government in June meaning no additional costs to taxpayers.

The agreement will be included in new awards and the endorsement of the Tasmanian Industrial commission will be sought. A hearing is scheduled for early November.

The Health and Community Services Union (HCSU) antiipates workers to receive their pay rise in December.

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