Climate change minister Penny Wong has called for feedback on issues relating to the design of a national renewable energy target.
Releasing a consultation paper, Ms Wong said the Federal Government is developing an expanded renewable energy target that incorporates the existing and proposed state and territory targets.
“Renewable energy will have a key role to play in helping us move to the clean economy of the future because it will reduce our electricity-related greenhouse pollution,” she said.
“The expanded renewable energy target will help deliver on the Government’s commitment to ensure at least 20 per cent of Australia’s electricity supply comes from renewable energy by 2020.”
The consultation paper includes the expansion of the previous government’s Mandatory Renewable Energy Target by more than four times to 45,000 gigawatt-hours, equivalent to almost the entire Australian annual residential electricity consumption.
As a transitionary measure that will help prepare businesses for the Federal Government’s emissions trading scheme, the renewable energy target will be phased out between 2020 and 2030.
A copy of the paper, together with details on how to lodge a submission, is available on the Department of Climate Change website at
Submissions close on July 30.
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