If you arrived at this site in the hope of keeping track of the 2007 Australian Federal Election, fear not, we have compiled an extensive but by no means definitive list of the best sites to keep you up to date and involved in Australia’s most important race. Feel free to email through any further website, portal or blog suggestions to adam@intermedia.com.au
Federal Election Websites and Portals
What they say:
www.federalelection.com.au is a revolutionary portal and first for Australia, it enables you to listen, watch, express your opinion and shape the political discourse. It’s a two-way conversation between voters and those who are courting your vote.
Google Australia’s 2007 election page
What they say:
Our Australian engineers have developed some really innovative tools to help you access and digest information for this coming federal election. Follow Australian politics with our map, videos, gadgets and more.
The Google channel includes links to Youtube channels of various political parties involved in the federal election.
You Decide 2007
What they say:
The latest news from the 2007 federal election campaign trail, with comment and analysis from top News Limited columnists, along with interactive election tools including the NEWS.com.au Vote-a-matic.
Election 2007
The Federal Election portal of 7 News and Yahoo!
What they say:
ivote Australia is a youth based organisation with 3 goals: educate, involve and empower Australian youth in the political process.
Passion Pulse
National Nine News online is using Passion Pulse to map the mood of the electorate.
The timeline shows how levels of passion vary from quote to quote. It is a combination of participation rates and the cumulative intensity of each user’s reaction.
Comprehensive site features extensive information on the Australian political landscape and includes regular updates as the federal election progresses.
Get Up
What they say:
GetUp is an independent, grass-roots community advocacy organisation giving everyday Australians opportunities to get involved and hold politicians accountable on important issues.
Australia Votes 2007
The interactive election portal of the ABC featuring Antony Green’s election calculator.
The Crikey federal election page
The Crikey election tracker
What they say:
Each day of the campaign the Crikey election tracker will provide a location by location guide to John Howard and Kevin Rudd’s flying tour of the country.
Enter the Blogosphere
The Poll Bludger
A blog that provides commentary on the polls.
OZ Politics Blog
A running commentary of the Australian federal election.
OZelection2007 Forum
What they say:
Most of us value lively debate, so please voice your opinion if you have one. Articulate, rational, logical arguments are always welcome.
Beyond Right and Left
Larvatus Prodeo
Australian Politics – A Blog
Australian Politics Blogspot
What they say:
Events of interest from a libertarian/conservative perspective.
John Quiggin
What they say:
Commentary on Australian and world events from a social democratic perspective
The Interpreter
What they say:
The Interpreter aims to provide fresh insights into international events and a new way to experience and interact with the Lowy Institute
Federal election discussion forum
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